Esl Group


We are open!

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Welcome to the Capital 强化英语课程 website. 我们很高兴您考虑将首都作为提高您英语语言技能的地方, 更多地了解美国文化, 在美国市中心一个小而友好的校园里体验大学生活.S.

自1992年以来,资本密集英语课程一直在帮助来自世界各地的学生掌握英语. 我们的使命是帮助您达到进入美国大学的英语要求.S. 或促进你的国际交流和商业利益.

无论你是想在美国大学攻读学位,还是为了在本国找工作而提高英语技能, CIEP旨在取得成果. With four hours of English instruction every day, 你将获得自信和熟练的英语语言技能,同时也与不同的学生群体接触.


Tilloretta Pope, CIEP项目主任 614-236-6550

Jennifer Adams他是全球教育中心主任 614-236-6170

申请入学 虚拟旅行

Why Choose The Capital 强化英语课程?


ESL Info Sheet



  • 一级初级
  • 二级中级
  • 三级高-中级
  • 四级高级

在入职培训期间进行分班测试,将决定您将从哪个级别开始. 为了在CIEP中取得成功, 学生必须在过去五年内至少在高中(中学)学习过两年英语或在大学学习过整整一年. Students entering Level 1(elementary) must be able to speak, understand, write and read simple English sentences before coming to Capital. 


我们每周20小时的课程安排是周一至周四上午8:30 - 11:00和上午11:45 -下午2:30








Lunch time workshops on various topics are offered throughout the semester. 托福(ITP)工作坊每学期提供准备学生的行政托福考试.

课程安排示例:秋季 & 春季(面对面)15周

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8:30a.m.–9:45a.m. Reading Reading Reading Reading
9:45a.m.–10:50a.m. Writing Writing Writing Writing
11:45a.m.–1:05p.m. 听/说 听/说 听/说 听/说
1:15 – 2:30p.m. Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30a.m.–9:45a.m. Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
9:55a.m.–11:10a.m. Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing
11:20a.m.–12:35p.m. 听/说 听/说 听/说 听/说 听/说
1:15–2:30p.m. Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar

新生在开始上课前要参加英语分班考试(EPT),并写一篇样本作文. 这些测试和口头面试的结果决定了哪个级别的课程是最好的安置.

**偶尔,根据学生的需要,提供基础水平(小学预科). Detailed descriptions of all IEP classes can be found in the CIEP学生手册.

CIEP term dates

The fall and spring semesters are each 16 weeks (24 hours each week).The summer semester is 12 weeks (25 hours each week).

Spring 2023

Orientation: 2023年1月5-6日
Classes begin2023年1月11日

Summer 2023

Orientation: TBD
Classes begin: May 9, 2023

Fall 2023

Orientation: TBD
Classes begin2023年8月23日

Tuition and fees

If you wish to study on an F-1 (Student) visa, you must be enrolled full time. If you have a different immigration status, it is possible to study part time. 然而,请注意,目前,所有课程每周4天,周一至周四.


If you wish to study on an F-1 (Student) visa, you must be enrolled full time. If you have a different immigration status, it is possible to study part time. However, please note that all classes meet five days a week, Monday – Friday.

需要I-20的学生必须提交学习期间的财务文件. 例如,计划学习一学期英语的学生需要出示15,469美元. Students planning to study a full academic year one year need to show $30,938.

强化英语课程2021-2022 Semester Full year
Tuition $7,340 $14,680
Mandatory health & wellness fee (for use of Campus Health Center) $55 $110
Technology Fee $120 $240
预计生活费用(食宿) $6,154 $12,308
估计书籍,保险,用品 $1,800 $3,600
Total $15,469 $30,938

IEP学生在开课前不需要缴纳学费押金或预付款. However, payment is due the first week of the semester. A late fee is assessed for students who pay late.


ESL students can live in one of the university residence halls or apartments, 或者他们可以住在校外. On-campus residence halls are most appropriate for students 17-23 years old. Space is limited, so it is important to apply early. There is no University housing for married students. 

Apply now

有关详情,请参阅 住房和交通 or the section on Housing in the tab below, After you are admitted.



Fall Semester: 6月1日前申请
Spring Semester: 10月1日前申请
Summer Semester3月1日前申请

The deadlines are flexible for students already in the U.S.


  1. To apply to Capital’s IEP, follow the directions on the application form. A completed English Study application includes:
  2. A completed application: submit your application online through
  3. A $25 nonrefundable application fee; pay online (只接受信用卡付款)
  4. 所有高中和大学学习的正式记录/成绩单(最近的)
  5. Photocopy of your passport identification page

适用于F-1签证学生, 以当前银行对账单的形式提供的学习资金证明和来自国际学生申请包的支持宣誓书. 在我们的网站上下载这个包. Students who need an I-20 must submit financial documentation. Students planning to study ESL for one semester need to show $15,299. Students planning to study a full academic year need to show $30,598.


In addition to the standard application materials required, students transferring to 全网所有信誉网赌网址 from another U.S. 院校必须提交以下材料:

  1. 国际转账表格 
  2. Most recent grade report from your current ESL program
  3. 您当前的I-20或DS-2019的复印件
  4. Copy of your U.S. visa page


Jennifer Adams他是全球教育中心的主任 614-236-6170


祝贺你被录取! 一旦你被CIEP录取,你需要注意一些事情. To help you prepare to attend 全网所有信誉网赌网址, we will send you the Pre-Arrival Guide for 国际学生. It will tell you what to expect and how to prepare before you leave home.

For more information, visit The Center of Global Education. 在加入Capital之前,请阅读以下信息,了解您现在需要采取的步骤.



所有国际新生都必须参加为期两天的国际新生迎新活动. 在此期间,您将获得有关在美国生活和学习的信息.S., sign up for your campus ID and student account, 参加英语分班考试, 并回顾有关保持非移民合法身份的重要信息. 有关日期,时间和地点,请全网所有信誉网赌网址全球教育中心或联系 Jennifer Adams, Director of the Center for Global Education, or (614) 236-6170.


所有在全网所有信誉网赌网址注册的国际学生都必须参加健康保险. Insurance coverage will be automatically included in your tuition bill.

请同时填写 健康资讯及免疫表格 and Confidential 紧急全网所有信誉网赌网址 Form and bring them with you to the new student orientation. If you do not have immunization records from your doctor (or school), you will need to get immunization shots when you arrive at Capital, 这可能会让你多花200到500美元. All international students must show that they have tested negative for T.B. or take a T.B. 定向测试.



  • 全网所有信誉网赌网址 is located in Bexley, a suburb of Columbus OH.
  • You can fly directly to Port Columbus International Airport (CMH). 这个机场距离首都主校区只有几英里,交通便利.

如果你愿意住在校园里, 国际教育办公室可以安排在哥伦布机场迎接你. 请将您的航班信息发送到 Jennifer Adams国际教育主任. Include your arrival date, airline name, and flight number. 尽快用电子邮件发送这些信息(至少在你到达前两周).

你应该计划在I-20上列出的项目开始日期(第5项)或之前到达哥伦布。. 不接受逾期报名. If you cannot arrive in time to attend the orientation, please email and ask to defer your admission to the next available term.

当你制定旅行计划时, 请记住,大学不允许学生在学期开始前和迎新前一周搬进校园宿舍.



If you plan to live on campus, sign up for housing as soon as you are admitted. 您将需要您的资本电子邮件凭证来完成住房申请.

  • 提交住房申请.
  • Create an account by clicking the “new Capital Students Click Here” link. 
  • 校内住房有限. 资金不能保证一定风格的住房(传统的宿舍楼), suite, or apartment).

Living on a university campus is an important part of the university experience. 这是一个很好的交朋友的方式. 对于国际学生来说,这也是了解美国文化的好方法.

  • 了解更多关于校园生活的信息. 
  • 检查学生宿舍的选择.
  • Check Residential and Commuter Life to learn about early arrival requests, 什么该带,什么不该带. Or email


贝克斯利的经济适用房有限. However, the greater Columbus area has many types of accommodation available. 在网站上查找有关公寓或房屋出租的信息,以及寻找室友的人 哥伦布调度分类广告.

There are no university-owned apartments at Capital. 如果你是已婚的学生或研究生,你必须租一套私人拥有的公寓或房子.


如果你不在美国.S and do not yet have a F-1/J-1 visa, make an appointment at the nearest U.S. 领事馆或大使馆.

  • Go to 为美国的位置.S. 最近的大使馆或领事馆.
  • 按照网站上的说明操作.

当你收到I-20或DS-2019表格时, 你必须在去你的签证面试或申请改变身份之前支付学生和交流全网所有信誉网赌网址者项目(SEVIS)的I-901费用.

  • 完整的信息请全网所有信誉网赌网址 
  • The SEVIS fee is separate and in addition to other visa application fees.

If you are considered a SEVIS-transfer student, 您不必再次支付SEVIS费用,因为您有相同的SEVIS号码. 然而,重要的是要了解与转移相关的USCIS规则和条例.

  • 你必须咨询旧学校和全网所有信誉网赌网址的国际学生顾问,以确保F-1转学处理得当.
  • You must transfer your record within a specific time frame. 如果你不这样做,你可能会失去F-1身份.
  • SEVIS transfer students may leave and re-enter the U.S. 但是,你必须带着资本的I-20重新入学,而不是以前学校的文件. You also must have a valid visa stamp to re-enter the U.S. 如果你打算留在美国.S.,则不需要新的F-1签证印章. 

当你的申请被批准时, 你会收到一封来自招生办公室的电子邮件,询问我们如何将你的I-20寄安全赌博信誉网站平台你. 请立即回复邮件. 选择下列选项之一:

  1. Express mail ($40-$100, depending upon your country)
    • Quick delivery (3-5 business days) and with tracking option
    • Register with University Express Mail Services (UEMS) at http://study.eshipglobal.并支付邮寄费用. Use the above website; do not go directly to FedEx or DHL. UEMS will notify us when you have registered and paid a shipment.
    • 用信用卡付款. UEMS will use FedEx, DHL, or UPS based on the origin and destination location.
      UEMS Logo
  2. 空邮(免费)
    • 送货较慢(4-6周)
    • No cost to you
    • It will be sent to the mailing address you provided in your application.
    • 电子邮件 if you would like us to use a different mailing address.